DishCrawl – Upper King St.

Dishcrawl Charleston - Real Deal with Neil

Dishcrawl Charleston - Real Deal with Neil

Every now and then I get an interesting event that embodies how cool it is it live in Charleston, and this event is one of them.  The event is called Dishcrawl, and it’s like a pub crawl, except less intoxicating (in a good way).  A Dishcrawl is a guided, walkable tour of particular areas in Charleston which allows you to explore 4 restaurants in one night!  The reason I was so intrigued by it is because most of the Dishcrawl’s are within walking distance of some of the best Live/Work/Play neighborhoods in Charleston.  The next Dishcrawl is happening on February 6th at 7:00pm and it’s focus is on the Upper King St. area of Charleston, so you can expect that this particular tour might be particularly delicious.  The restaurants involved are shrouded in secrecy, but if you follow Dishcrawl on Twitter they send you some hints prior to the event date.  If you’re into food, fun and a little adventure then this might be right up your alley.  Tickets are only $39 and at last look there were only 22 tickets left!  Find out more by visiting their website at


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