Brandon Andrews

How to Calculate Mortgage Payments

How to Calculate Mortgage Payments

How to Calculate Mortgage Payments It’s Tuesday and I just wanted to do something different and answer a question via Video. I recently worked with a young couple who was unsure of moving forward on their dream house because they offered $200,000, but the seller would only go as low as $210,000.  It sounds like a big gap, but how many of you really know what an additional $10,000 over 30 years...

Direct Lenders vs. Mortgage Brokers - Brandon Andrews - Guild Mortgage

Direct Lenders vs. Mortgage Brokers

Direct Lenders vs. Mortgage Brokers So you've found your dream home and you're ready to get a mortgage, but whom should you go to?  If you're like the majority of people, you'll go to your bank, or you'll search online to find a mortgage lender.  During your search you may come across two very similar sources for loans - Direct Lenders & Mortgage Brokers.  I sat down with Brandon Andrews from...

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